The Best Healthcare System in the World – Where to Find It

Healthcare System

The best healthcare system in the world can be difficult to find. While Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom have some of the most accessible, low-cost, and high-quality care available to their citizens, each system has unique characteristics that may or may not appeal to you as an individual. If you’re looking to leave the country and travel abroad to access different healthcare benefits, this guide will help you figure out where you should go based on your individual needs and preferences.

What Is Health Care?

Healthcare is a system that coordinates activities practiced by healthcare providers. Healthcare is practiced by trained professionals, for example, doctors and nurses. Healthcare can be provided by governments or private businesses and charities.

 Countries that have highly developed and sophisticated healthcare systems tend to invest a higher percentage of their gross domestic product in health. This has allowed them to establish a wide variety of programs and make substantial progress when it comes to delivering high-quality care. Due to differences in economic development and cultural backgrounds, there is no single model that fits all countries or cultures.

How Does Our Health Care Compare Globally?

The United States spends more on healthcare than any other country. In 2015, it spent 17.2% of its GDP on healthcare, compared with 12.4% for second-place France and 10.9% for third-place Switzerland, according to data from The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). That money buys U.S. citizens better overall outcomes, however: At 83 years, Americans live longer than those in other developed countries—five years longer than Canadians, 3 1/2 years longer than Australians, and a year longer than Italians and Norwegians, according to OECD figures from 2013. Only people in Japan live longer on average.

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Which Countries Are Studied?

A good survey of national healthcare systems is conducted by The Commonwealth Fund, an independent foundation working to promote a high-performing healthcare system. In 2014, they ranked Australia, Canada, Germany, New Zealand, and Britain as providing the best overall healthcare worldwide. However, there are several additional metrics besides the quality of care that should be considered when evaluating overall worthiness. For example, cost-effectiveness and accessibility are integral components of improving a nation’s healthcare delivery system.

Characteristics of the 5th Best Health Care Systems

  1. National Health Service of the UK 
  2. Canada 
  3. Spain 
  4. Switzerland
  5. The Netherlands

What Is A Good Health Care System?

A good health care system is one that helps create an environment where doctors and patients can communicate effectively, ensuring that every member of society has access to life-saving information. The best healthcare software must help both doctors and patients better understand their individual bodies and potential for disease. By helping keep people healthy, a good healthcare system is also going to be cost-effective when compared with a bad healthcare system or no healthcare at all.

1st Place: Switzerland

The Swiss healthcare system is considered among some of the best in Europe. Federal Health Insurance, or Swiss Care, is mandatory for all citizens and residents and provides medical services at an affordable price. In addition, all hospitals are equipped with specialists trained in English who can provide services to those who do not speak German or French. Such features make Switzerland a leader when it comes to quality healthcare options.

2nd Place: Italy

Italy’s health system is ranked second-best by IMD. Italians enjoy free, universal access to care from doctors and hospitals. The healthcare system has been fully funded by Italy’s compulsory social security system since 1978, which also provides pensions and unemployment insurance. If you choose not to purchase private health insurance (available through your employer), you pay a 3 percent contribution into your public-sector fund and then receive 100 percent coverage for most procedures.

3rd Place: Singapore

At a whopping $5,908 per person, healthcare costs are among Asia’s highest. But what you get for that money is astonishing. Singapore is home to some of the world’s best healthcare providers and hospitals, and its universal coverage means that everyone gets top-of-the-line treatment without worrying about paying exorbitant amounts of money. In addition, patients are shown remarkable consideration by their doctors.

4th Place, Austria

The best healthcare software I have ever used is that of Austria. The insurance providers are very competitive, which helps keep health care costs down, even with a growing population. Although they use a fee-for-service model like most Western countries, there is an option for an integrated approach where patients can see all their doctors in one place at once without worrying about cost (as it is covered by their insurance provider). This allows for better coordination and overall care for patients.

5th Place, Germany

Germany’s healthcare system is a mixed system, providing public and private medical services through statutory health insurance. The German healthcare system ensures universal healthcare coverage for all of its citizens. This year Germany was ranked as having one of, if not the best overall healthcare systems according to research done by The Commonwealth Fund. They ranked Germany number five out of 11 top countries with their score being within 0.2 percent of Switzerland and Sweden who topped The Commonwealth Fund’s list for 2015-2016.

The United States is the best in the world

If you’re reading this article, then you’re most likely aware of the fact that the United States has the best healthcare system in the world, even though most Americans believe otherwise. We have more doctors, advanced technology, and better hospital facilities than any other country on Earth, yet we are consistently ranked lower than other industrialized nations on overall health outcomes by several different organizations, including the World Health Organization and Bloomberg. So what gives?

Private Insurance

The USA has a multi-tiered insurance model, which includes both private and public/government programs. We also have tiered access to care, such as primary care physicians and specialists, who are covered under different plans with varying cost structures for consumers. This model works well to ensure people can receive affordable care if they are hit by illness or accident but creates challenges when it comes to the prevention of disease and long-term management of chronic illnesses that require complex interventions over many years.


The government-run Medicaid program was originally meant to assist low-income people who couldn’t otherwise afford medical services, but its mission has changed over time and Medicaid now primarily serves individuals with disabilities and families with dependent children. It’s estimated that more than 20 million Americans benefit from Medicaid each year, which amounts to roughly 14% of our population that relies on its coverage of basic health services, like doctor visits and surgeries; medicines; hospital care; and laboratory tests.


This insurance helps patients cover any gaps left by Medicare, such as prescription drugs, deductibles, and copayments. Medigap plans are sold by private insurance companies and are standardized, which means everyone on Medicare has access to them. Some plans cover a percentage of these out-of-pocket costs; others help pay for most or all of your expenses but charge an additional premium for doing so. Those with high drug bills may want to look into a plan that covers at least 50 percent of their monthly drug costs.

Veterans Health Administration (VA)

The VA makes up a large part of America’s Healthcare System and operates over 1,700 sites of care around the country. The department is one of our nation’s largest employers with over 345,000 employees on the payroll as well as an additional 400,000 contractors supporting their mission to take care of those who served our country honorably.


How do you find the best healthcare system in the world? If you’re planning to travel abroad, you may want to know where to find the best healthcare system in the world before you leave home. Luckily, there are lots of excellent options, and by keeping these four things in mind, you can find the best healthcare system in the world for your specific needs.



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